Saturday, May 8, 2010

The based on "sugar cookie" cookie

So, here's my first recipes post .It's based on your tipical sugar cookie cookie , but guess what it taste nothing like one ( but don't worry about taste it taste awesome, very filling). This recipe uses no butter,shortning or bleached flour.

3 cups whole wheat flour or if you prefer all pourpose flour(not bleached)
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 cups brown sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1/2 cup strawberry jam (the less sugar the better)
1 teaspoon organic maple sryup( local maple sryup would be even better)
2 teaspoons cho-milk
2 large egg whites
1 cup of cho-chips,nuts,tired fruit or anything that you fell like adding.

1.pre heat oven to 350.f. Shift toghter the flour and baking powder.
2.Add the sugar to the bowl. In a measurment cup of one cup mix toghter the 1/2 cup apple sauce , 1/2 cup jam, 1 teaspoon syrup,2 teaspoons cho-milk. and place in microwave for 20 sec. Add to bowl when done.
3.Mix it all thoughter either with a mix -master, hand blender or mix it toghter yourself(that's what I do and it works fine.)When mixed well add to large egg whites and mix. Finally add anything else you fell like(cho-chips,nuts,dired fruit)
4. line cookie sheet with parchment paper. place cookies on sheet any size desiered*. Place in oven and bake for 15 min , check on them and desied if more time is needed (should be lightly brown around edges). Let cool for a few mintues a cookie rack.
* cooking time depends on size of cookies.
- cookie recipe based on Martha Stewart's old fashion sugar cookie


  1. I like your blog. I think it's great that you have continued your interest in cooking ever since you first came to one of our cooking classes. I'd love to try these cookies some time. If you ever need a hand let us know.

  2. Thanks for the comment. I will defently keep your offer in mind. As well congrats on beigng the first to post a comment .

  3. Those sounds good! I am going to try them!!!! YUM! :)
