Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Been a whiel

Hello everyone a speaical shout to mae and maddy for all their comments they've posted It's really awesome to see that people are reading my blog! Alright back to bussince I know it's been a wheil since my last post but if it's cold enough tommorwo I'm hoping to make some garnola bars but if it's hot I might wait an other day or 2 but for sure I'm making a cake on my birthday so I'll post that.
Have a great summer hoilday! Oh Yah!
Schools out for summer!

1 comment:

  1. Mae van der Kamp :)July 3, 2010 at 12:47 PM

    HAPPY belated (oops) BIRTHDAY!!! and thanks for the shout out ;)
    <3 Mae
